Sunday, April 29, 2018

The Arcade Build is Complete!

After four months of planning, building, programming, configuring and testing, my Journey to a Home Arcade is finally complete!  What started as a Christmas gift of a Raspberry Pi from my wonderful co-workers has now become this:

You can see the final parts of the build and how it came together in Arcade Build - Part III. But if you just want to see an abridged photo version with some videos of the arcade in action, see the page:
Complete Arcade Build - Abridged Version in Photos + videos!

Again, a huge thanks to those that have gone before, and shared their own journey on YouTube, web sites and via forums and bulletin boards.  I hope my own journey here might help someone starting down this road on their first home retro-arcade.


  1. amazing cab, congratulations, I'm still in the journey hahaha last stages after couple of months (software settings)

    1. Thanks! It's a pretty "wordy" blog, but I kinda' wrote it to document the process for myself. Enjoy and if I can do anything to help, please don't hesitate to let me know. I relied on a lot of others to get mine finished off!


RGBCommander Update (and possible fix)

If you have recently been working on your own arcade and ran across posts referencing a utility for RetroPie called RGBCommander that can co...